Sunday 31 August 2008

Mp3 music: Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Agoraphobic Nosebleed

Artist: Agoraphobic Nosebleed: mp3 download




Agoraphobic Nosebleed's discography:

Altered States of America

 Altered States of America

   Year: 2003   

Tracks: 1

Headed by guitarist/bassist/drum computer programmer Scott Hull (besides of Pig Destroyer and once of A.C. as well), grindcore nut-cases Agoraphobic Nosebleed have existed in several forms since 1994. Their dim, punishing sound mixes together corrosive vocals, harsh (and inhumanly fast) drum-machine beat generation, and Hull's Earache-schooled guitar riffing. Their songs ar short and compress, in to the highest degree cases clocking in at less than a hour long. Their lyrics are often as unorthodox and/or mystifying as the band's appoint and song titles (e.g., "Chalking the Temporal God Module," "The Fatter You Fall Behind," "Lives Ruined Through Sex") would appear to paint a video. Topics such as fruitcake revelation theories, homophobia and misogyny, dose conspiracies, thinker control, rampant capitalist economy and consumerism, and biological terrorism get all surfaced in their songs; and ar often addressed in ambiguous, free-associative shipway, interspersed with batch of tasteless scatological outbursts, sometimes with a humorous slant and sometimes not.

Following a few split and EP releases and a couple of lineup shifts, Agoraphobic Nosebleed's first base "full-length" -- the 26-song, 19-minute Whitey Reduction -- came out in 1998 on Relapse Records and was recorded by the lineup of Hull and vocalist/electronics manipulator Jay Randall. The following yr proverb the release of a 6" EP entitled PCP Tornado as well as a split CD with the Boston, MA, hard-core band Converge entitled The Poacher Diaries. For The Poacher Diaries, Agoraphobic Nosebleed's lineup was expanded to admit a second singer, J.R. Hayes (besides the lead singer for Pig Destroyer). Agoraphobic Nosebleed's second full-length, the long-promised Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope, finally came prohibited in 2002, once once again on Relapse. This fourth dimension roughly, Hull and Randall were formally united by singer Carl Schultz and bassist/vocalist Richard Johnson (of Enemy Soil and the Index, and besides a member of Agoraphobic Nosebleed in their earlier years). The record album also featured guest vocal appearances by Hayes as well as members of Benumb, Necrophagia, Cephalic Carnage, and Brutal Truth.

Monday 11 August 2008


Artist: Horrorpops



Bring It On!   
 Bring It On!

   Year: 2005   
Tracks: 13

Hell Yeah!   
 Hell Yeah!

   Year: 2004   
Tracks: 13

The seeds for Danish psychobilly sestet, the HorrorPops, were stitched in 1996 during a gig that establish bassist/lead singer Patricia's indie-punk collective Peanut Pump Gun first step for guitar instrumentalist Kim Nekroman's band Nekromantix at POPKOM in Cologne, Germany. The deuce base that they divided a wealthiness of mutual interests, both musical and personal, and in an effort to step outside of their several genres distinguishable to permutation instruments and start a band. The addition of drummer Niedermeier, and moment guitar player Caz the Clash, both once of (Strawberry Slaughterhouse), rounded out the freshly dubbed HorrorPops. In 1998, the set began to spiel out, attracting audiences with their energetic stage shows that featured go-go girls Mille and Kamilla -- co-workers at a discriminating browse with Patricia -- and headed into the studio to record demos for a smoothing iron out outfit. 2000-2002 sawing machine the grouping touring and building up a patriotic undermentioned, finally sign language with Hellcat records. In 2003, Caz the Clash left, and was replaced by K'aarrghh'sten (aka Karsten), as well a former fellow member of Strawberry Slaughterhouse, and the mathematical group adage the spill of a vinyl single containing "Ghouls" and "Psychobitches Outta Hell." The full-length Inferno Yeah was released in April 2004 on the legendary punk label Epitaph. Both Mille and Karsten gone during the extended touring for Inferno Yeah, only HorrorPops didn't dim down. Geoff Kresge gave up playing standup bass in Tiger Army to fall in the Pops on guitar, and band sidekick Naomi (renamed No-No) took Mille's on the fence terpsichorean pip. In 2005 HorrorPops managed some Warped Tour gigs even as they recorded an book album; Bring it On, their secant endeavour for Epitaph, appeared in September of that twelvemonth.

Sienna's Boobs Got Balthazar's Tongue

Wednesday 6 August 2008

Nikki Sudden

Nikki Sudden   
Artist: Nikki Sudden

Rock: Punk-Rock


Red Brocade   
 Red Brocade

   Year: 1999   
Tracks: 11

Treasure Island   
 Treasure Island

Tracks: 14

After the post-punk band Swell Maps dissolved in the early '80s, lead isaac Bashevis Singer Nikki Sudden began a divers and infuriating solo life history, during which he performed with a number of different bands and side projects. Sudden released his figure one solo record, Waiting on Egypt, in 1982, followed tight by The Bible Belt in 1983; both records recalled Swell Maps. In 1984, Sudden formed the Jacobites with drummer Epic Soundtracks (his blood brother, world Health Organization was besides a extremity of Swell Maps) and guitarist/vocalist Dave Kusworth, wHO co-wrote the material with Sudden. The band developed a mellow pop style, driven by acoustic guitars and a ring calendar method of birth control section reminiscent of the Velvet Underground. The Jacobites released quadruplet albums and leash EPs between 1984 and 1986, when Kusworth left the stripe. Sudden continued with the Jacobites call, cathartic TX on the Creation label in 1986. During the late '80s, Sudden ditched the Jacobites and began devising music that powerfully recalled early Rolling Stones. While none of his albums ever attracted a large consultation, Sudden remained a cult front-runner end-to-end his life history. High-profile guests began appearance on his albums with Wilco's Jeff Tweedy lending a hand to 1999's Red Brocade and the Faces' keyboardist Ian McLagan playacting on the 2004 passing Treasure Island. On March 26, 2006, Sudden passed away after a gig in New York City. He was working on a new record album, The Truth Doesn't Matter, which was released in October of that class.

Pt. Shivkumar Sharma